BigSpeak Speakers Bureau has been at the cutting edge of AI far before it was popular and taking over the world. BigSpeak not only uses AI to enrich our client experiences, we also partner with top Artificial Intelligence keynote speakers and thought leaders. Several years ago we partnered with Adam Cheyer, creator of Siri, Viv and now an executive at AirBnB (as a result of them purchasing his latest AI company). More recently, we are standing on the leading edge of AI, signing top AI keynote speaker Zack Kass from OpenAI and working with other top AI keynote speakers such as Cassie Kozyrov, Michelle K. Lee and Gene Marks. 


For many of us, the past few years have seen AI become more than a topic of theoretical discussion between those interested in tech advancements with an eye for new tech developments. Artificial intelligences have been a part of daily life for many people for decades, but it is only now that the layperson has access to increasingly sophisticated tools that allow for their active participation with these sometimes contentious new programs. 


AI is a field ripe for potential, both as an enhancement to daily life but also abuses, making it a tricky field to navigate. Many have fallen prey to data scraping programs, caught up in the fun surrounding app filters, and countless college professors bemoan the influx of (sometimes painfully obviously) AI-generated essays crossing their desks. For all its promise, AI is not something to be taken lightly or blindly invested in simply because it’s dazzling.


BigSpeak is an organization devoted to thoughtful innovation that goes beyond merely chasing the latest trends, integrating promising new technologies into our process to provide better service to our clients and embracing fresh ways to bring our messaging to global audiences.


Over the past few years, we have seen major overhauls to our processes and systems courtesy of advances in AI. As new technologies arise, we will doubtless continue to integrate promising new programs, ensuring we are at the forefront of service and productivity.


On the outward-facing end of things, our website has been made considerably more efficient and user-friendly. Among the new and improved features, our site now uses AI to improve search results, providing users better experiences and quicker access to quality information. We also use an AI pre-chat tool in our chatbox to streamline conversations between customers and staff members and ensure potential clients are connected with the most appropriate person for their needs. 


Our AI-assisted proposal tool blends tech and human intuition to allow both our sales team members and external users to quickly create and share 


Our entire staff daily uses an AI-integrated CRM system– and while we won’t lie and say there was no learning curve involved, it has proved a very worthwhile investment, allowing us leaps forward in our efficiency, letting us spend more time focused on the human-to-human customer interactions that can’t be replaced by even the cleverest strings of code.


AI is not a cure-all or miracle button that can solve any problem. There are some situations in which it will never be appropriate, and we are still very much in the learning stage. Machine intelligences are buggy, can be easily tampered with, and prone to the same thinking errors as those who developed them. But to ignore their potential is not only wrong-headed; it’s willfully ignorant, and will not spell success. Any business looking to stay afloat must at least have a working understanding of  how AI is influencing the way we live. 


For BigSpeak, staying afloat is not enough. We strive to levitate and even soar in the keynote speaking and speaker bureau field, supporting our staff members, speaking partners, and clients with old-fashioned care and attention via every tool at our disposal, including those comprised of code.\

This article was published by BigSpeak July 25, 2024.